Aquabion Water Conditioner

Aquabion Electrolytic Water Conditioner

Electrolytic Water Conditioner which doses Zinc ions into water to inhibit scale formation inside water systems

What is Electrolytic Water Conditioning? 

Electrolytic Water Conditioning is a method of scale control governed by the dosage of an Electrolyte (Zinc) into water via electrolytic action

When dosed, the zinc ion alters the behaviour of the scale crystal, which remains suspended in the water solution and is carried out to drain

Benefits of Electrolytic Water Conditioning:

Permanent scale control;

Most conditioning methods have a temporary effect lasting up to 24 hours

Electrolytic Water Conditioning has shown to retain its effect permanently

No Electricity Required

Aquabion Water conditioners dose zinc by electrolytic action between the Cathode body and Zinc Anode, this requires no power supply

 Fit and Forget

Aquabion Water Conditioners incur no maintenance. Simply fit the unit and your system is protected

Added Corrosion Protection

Zinc is used across the world as a corrosion inhibitor. Aquabion Water Conditioners will provide this added benefit

Perfectly Potable

The WHO Recommends a zinc intake of 7mg/day and zinc is an essential mineral to a healthy diet. Water conditioned with zinc at the levels dosed therefore remains safe to drink


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